Thursday, 29 March 2012


I just finished my second VIVA presentation and I feel it went really well, or atleast alot better than my first one where I got destroyed because of my market research bit, but enough of that, now it is easter holiday so I just want to relax for a week or so before diving back into my work.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Enemy Weapon

Implemented the enemy weapon earlier this week, since this is a bot I didn't have to worry about the problem I had with the main character weapon and didn't need to add the weapon to the character mesh itself, so I just added the machete the normal way and attached it to the right hand of my enemy.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Temp Crew Quarters Room

Originally suppose to be First Mate Merrill's quarters aboard the SS. Dynamo but due to the lack of proper references the room didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, neither in design or feel. Looks more like a garage or work space than living quarters.

Animations and Gun

Here's a video showing the mirrored animations and implemented gun on my character walking through the crew quarters section.

First Crew Quarters - Not Happy

I've done a very simple layout for the crew quarters, but it has not turned out at all as I wanted, mainly, I suspect, because I didnt use much references, I very much plan, and will, redo the design of this section.


Since my gun didnt show up on my character in-game, even though I followed every tutorial to the T (and they all did the same), I decided to use the suggestion I got in class and put the gun on the actual character mesh and reimport the character, I have since done so and it looks to work rather well. on a related note; since I started to do my AI I have found that the gun actually does show up in the AI's hand exactly where I put it but not mine, very, very peculiar.


Ok, alot has happened since the last update, I've managed to find a way to mirror my animations, one would think it would be a standard practice, or atleast not unheard of, but it was pretty hard to find a method of doing it, but anyway its fixed now and a vid proving it will not take long to be uploaded on here.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Enemy skinned and in UDK

I have skinned and painted weights to my enemy character and applied animations to him, as well as imported him into UDK.

Gun Problem.

I've followed several tutorials on how to implement my gun and it should work great, when I play as the default bot character my gun shows up in both 1st person AND third person, but when I play as my own character the gun doesnt show, the pic is in the skeletal mesh viewer showing my gun attached to my characters right hand socket..

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Functioning HUD

Finally gotten a functioning HUD working, since I am planning on having a one-strike kill from my enemy I dont really need it, but I was thinking maybe I could have "traps" that could hurt the player, like sudden dangerous gas leaks and such...

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Meshy Problem

Suddenly had a problem with my mesh when importing into UDK, it seemed that holes appeared in the mesh, after much back and forth I figured out the problem, in the import options in UDK there's an option named 'remove degenerates' which is switched on by default, it removes triangles or something even though theres NO triangles in my characters face, but anyway I digress, when switched off my character imports normally, except for some single polygons that looks unsmoothed, and when ticking the 'combine mesh' these hard polygons disappeared and things are looking rosy again.

Mirroring Animations........maybe

Since I only made a right strafe animation with the intention of using mirror tables in UDK to mirror the animations, but I have run into a little problem, the skeleton becomes mirrored as one would perhaps expect but not like this, everything right is on the left and visa versa, and the mesh itself is backwards forwards so when I correct the skeleton the mesh just becomes more and more destroyed.

AnimTree So Far

This is what my animtree looks like so far in UDK, it has a crouch function and an aiming function using bools, but for the crouching to look right I need to fix the Z axis (up) part of my animations because now it looks like he crouches in the air.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Textured thangs and.....stuff

I've begun texturing my static meshes, I'm beginning to feel I may have started a little late with the static mesh creation. but better late then never, even though I dont believe that expression exists in the video game industry...

I did two different textures for the wall panel box to choose from, I chose number two as I thought it was more neutral and not too much attention drawing.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

New Static Mesh

Another random valve Static mesh.

Extended Revised Corridor Walkthrough

Extended corridor with revised design.

New way to corridor

instead of creating the ENTIRE corridor in maya, I instead created all individual pieces and tubes and then put them on the UDK brush made walls instead.